Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We're screwed....

So, we decided to seek our "revenge" on Tim and Susan for the Post It Note birthday prank. This morning I placed an ad on Craigs List for 47 FREE ladders along with their phone number for people to call. The quickly began recieving calls from people who were interested in picking them up. They counterattacked within 30 minutes with another ad on Craig's List for $30 NIB lawnmowers listing our phone numbers. I have recieved close to 50 calls and despite the ad being removed hours ago, people are still calling. And then came this.....I just checked my e-mail a few moments ago and had an e-mail titled "We Were There"...Let it be known, that I was in the kitchen the entire time this was happening. My lazy non barking dog was asleep by our front door and Grace was asleep on the couch.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA. can't wait to see how this one turns out :D

Mama Red said...

You guys better stop before someone loses an eye. Ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

What is the WT sticker... "Aint Skeered"? I have a feeling you should be very, very, skeered. lol.