Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Remember when...

Do you remember when I used to blog on a regular basis? That seems like a lifetime ago now. I see that there have still been folks coming to visit my blog, and I appreciate that. To say that our lives have been hectic is an understatement. I have completed and passed my first semester of Nursing school. Woohoo!!! Only 3 more crazy semesters to go until I'm an RN!! Having Mommy in school full time has been an adjustment for all of us, but Daddy has really stepped up to the plate and we've had some pretty awesome friends who have also stepped up and helped us out. There was Shauna who watched the kiddos during Fall Break, and Kathy who often fed my family on clinical nights when Mom was at the hospital until 10 pm, and Amy & Laura who watched Grace when she was sick, and Lesley who gave me rides to clinicals, and then Laura(again) who took my kids to play rehearsals for the X-Mas play, and the list goes on and on. I cannot thank you all enough for all that you have done and continue to do for our family. I am just in awe of the quality and caliber of friendships that we have developed in our short time here. The weekend before Christmas we moved (for a second time in 2 months) to a lovely home that we should be living in until we buy a house here. Thank you to the Strouse families for all of your help in this less than desirable moving weather. It's no fun carrying furniture through the snow, up the icy steps, into a house, and up a flight of stairs.

Hunter and Grace are both doing great in school. Grace's reading skills have really taken off this year, and Hunter is loving being top dog as a fifth grader. I can't believe this is his last year in elementary school. Football season has come and gone, and we couldn't be happier that this bummer of a season is over. Of course, we're looking forward to having an awesome season next year, and despite a pretty miserable regular season, Hunter had the opportunity to play on the all star team in the off season. He lead our league in interceptions this year with a total of 6 this season! Grace also had the opportunity to cheer doing football season and really enjoyed that (until it got too cold and then she was no longer interested-LOL!).

Hudson came to visit us over the Christmas break and we had an awesome time with him. In fact, we have a really big announcement to make! Hudson is moving up to Indiana this week to begin living with us! We are so excited, and hope you will keep us all in your prayers as we go through this time of transition in our family.

Of course a post of mine wouldn't be complete without some pictures. Here are some of the highlights from the past few months. Enjoy!

Hunter's baptism on 09-12-2010

The Pittman Clan following his baptism

Wes' grade school friend Nathan came to visit- twice! :)

Date Night!! X-Mas party at Belterra Casino!

Letters to Santa

My favorite picture of 2010. Christmas can be magical!

The Pitt Kids on X-Mas Eve

Our first white Christmas!

Sibling Rivalry! Gig' Em & Hook Em' (Thanks for the cool Snuggies Granny & Papaw!)

Grace & Daddy getting a workout with the X-Box Kinect that Santa left.

Fun in the snow at our new home.

The view from our back porch.
Once the snow melts, the deer are out!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Nursing School Here I Come!!!

I will officially start nursing school this Fall along with 23 other students who were accepted into the program!!!! If everything goes as planned, I will graduate in December of 2011!!! So, now I need everyone's help. I've entered a YouTube Scholarship contest for my school. The video that recieves the most views will win the contest. So, watch this video (over and over, and over) and pass it on to all of your friends and family via Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogger, and e-mail. Thank you sooo much! Oh! And here's the link to pass it on:

***UPDATE*** I won a $500 schoalrship to be applied towards me Spring tuition! Thank you all soo much! Every little bit helps! ****

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Year of Change

June 6th marked one year since we left the Lonestar State, the only home we'd ever known, and set out for our new life in the Midwest. Life in Indiana has been a lot different. For instance:
Grace looking at a creek on January 7, 2009

Grace with a creek behind her on January 07, 2010

February 11, 2009 in front of our house (notice the flip flops)
February 11, 2010 view from my living room window
Not only is the weather different, but our home and yard are a lot different too. For instance:

Here is a view of our backyard in Mesquite that shows our shed.

Here is our "shed" in Indiana. It's actually called a pole barn.

And then there was that cramped living room in Texas.
(Although, I do desperately miss our hardwood floors.)

Now, we not only have room for a game of Rock Band, but..

we could fit a marching band in this living room.

The kids really wish we had a skating rink in our town.

They always loved going to parties at the skating rink.

But they've found other things to do to keep them busy.

We still miss our friends in Dallas, but are also so grateful for the many friendships we have made here. I know that this past year wouldn't have been near as good without all of the amazing friends we have made. So thank you to the families in Madison who have welcomed us with open arms. Thank you for wheel horse rides and late nights on patios. Thank you for taking us sledding, and for plowing out our driveway. Thank you for spending the holidays with us, and for listening to me say, "Well in Texas, we...", without rolling your eyes. Thank you ALL for making the biggest adventure of our lives turn into something better than we could have ever imagined. We know we are living the life we were meant to live, and feel like we are home.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday Hunter

May 25, 2010 marks the tenth trip that Hunter has taken around the Sun. It marks a decade since my journey as a mother began. I am overwhelmed by emotion tonight as I think back on the last ten years of his life--of our life together. When he was a baby I hung a poem on my fridge that said:

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow

For babies grow up as we've learned to our sorrow

So quiet down cobwebs

Dust go to sleep

I'm rockin' my babies and babies don't keep.

I'm so thankful that even though, he's too big to cradle in my arms, he is still more than willing to snuggle up next to me for a meaningful chat, and always asks for a hug and kiss goodnight. I can clearly remember the flood of emotion the day he was born. How did I get so lucky? I would think about all of the women in the world, and how blessed I was that God had chosen me to be his mom. As I held that sweet baby boy in my arms, I never could have imagined how quickly these last ten years would sail by.

When he was little I started a nightly bed time routine that included a quiz. I would say to him, "Do you know what my favorite part of today was?" And he would ask, "What?" And I would tell him, "Getting to be your mom." Then I would ask him, "Out of all the little boys in the world, how do you think I got the best one?" He would giggle and say, "I don't know." There are a million little moments wrapped up in these last ten years that I cherish and yet that little quiz fully sums up the emotions of my heart when I think about him.

When he was five, I made a photo montage to celebrate the milestones that he reached that year. At the time, I couldn't believe how big he was, but when I watch it now, I see a little guy who had only begun the journey of getting big.

There are so many things that I love about Hunter. He is a kind and loyal friend. He is honest. His gentle side is balanced out by his competitive nature. He sticks up for the underdogs. He is his sister's protector. He is witty. He is empathetic to the point that at times his own heart is full of aches for those that he loves. He is bright, and always strives to give 100% in all that he does. And while I wish I could take credit for all that is good in him, the truth is, along the way he has taught me so much about love and about life. These last ten years have truly been the time of my life, and so much of that is because of him.

So happy birthday Moose. And remember that no matter how big you become in the decade ahead of us, you will always be my little man.