Monday, October 29, 2007

Two Words For You: Willie....Nelson....

So, Friday night Rosa hosted a "Spooky Sleepover" for the football team at her house. Once all the boys got there (minus a few) we loaded them up and headed to one of the drill team girls houses to take them through a haunted house her dad and other friends had built in their backyard. Those who know me, know that I hate scary things. I see no point in paying $$$ to get the shit scared out of me, but since it was free I did actually go in it. It was pretty freakin' good for a backyard set up. Soooo good that Wes tore down the back door trying to get the hell away from the guy with the chainsaw. LMAO!

My pirate princess (I made the tutu myself!)

Hunter as Jack Sparrow with his buds

Cassie- the wicked tour guide of the haunted house

The haunted house

Hunter lost his hat inside the haunted house. I thought it would be funny if I told him he had to go back in there and get it. Apparently, he didn't think that was so funny.

After everybody had been through the haunted house, we headed back to Rosa's, where her teenage son Johnny was hiding in a closet. Rosa went in first with her husband and came back out saying that Johnny was missing and told the kids to hurry and get in the house. Then he jumped out and scared them. Those poor kids ran for the door as fast as they could. It was great. See a theme here? I don't like being scared but I sure find it funny when other people get scared.

So after that, the boys ate pizza and then they played Twister and some video games. They all seemed to have a really good time. And they finally went to sleep around 1:00 a.m.

So, Saturday was the big day. I was talking with the step-mom of one of the boys at the party and telling her how Wes and I were going to the Willie Nelson concert. She told us that she had a friend with extra tickets and said she would give her a call and see if the seats were better than the ones we had. Our seats were for the lawn---anything is better than that. Well, she called us that afternoon and gave us her friends info and said she would be at the concert around 7:00. We got there around 5:00 b/c there were a few other bands we wanted to see. We missed the Old 97's, but by the end of the night I could have cared less. The show was so freakin' good. We got to see Corey Morrow, Randy Rogers, Pat Green, and Willie. We met up with that girl around 7:30 and she gave us VIP box seats! Woohooo!!! Our asses were same damn sore from being in the lawn. Apparently we're not 19 anymore. It was great to sit down in a chair with a cushion. Of course we didn't sit too much. I danced my butt off. And my honey even slow danced with me during one of Willie's songs. We really had a great time. We both had a SUPER stressful week and that concert was exactly what we needed to relax and recharge. I am still kicking myself in the butt for not bringing my camera. The website said no cameras, but EVERYONE was taking pics. Oh well! Maybe there will be a next time.

White Trash Wedneday #2

Alright. Had to go through my files to find one, but I snapped a picture of this sweet thing back in September with his uber tight swim trunks and tramp stamp. Thought you all would enjoy it. And yes I realize it's Monday, but things got crazy last week and I didn't want to let my fans down. LOL!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So, I bombed another Chemistry test. Well, not actually if you compare my grade to the grades of the other students, but my professor isn't doing that, so yeah.. I bombed it. Funy though, because I recieved a letter this week based on my grades from the previuos 2 semesters inviting me into the Honors Society. Wasn't it Alanis Morisette who said, "Isn't it ironic?"

Hunter had his last football game of the season on Saturday. We are all so sad for the season to be over. Grace has asked me the past 2 nights if we have practice and whined when I told her no. Se loves playing at the field and on the playground with Derek. I was glad that this cold snap waited to hit until this week though. Gosh it would have sucked practicing in this weather. Oh.. so back to our weekend. Of course we had a sleepover. Adin, Demaris, Jake, and Steven all stayed the night. So, then what happens?? Well eventhough Wes was sick on Saturday he gets called out at 7:30 (thankfully he was strating to feel better by then) and I'm left here with the boys. They were great though and seemed to have a good time.

Hunter is #13 in the middle with the black arm pads on.

Gracie and Me

The kids watching Happy Feet

Playing some Sunday morning football.

Sunday we headed over to our new brunch spot--Rosa's parents. Once again they fixed up some delicious french toast, eggs, fried potatoes and of course beans. They say Mexicans eat beans with every meal. LOL! Grace and I couldn't hang around long since it was "Baby Tody's" birthday. His name is actually Cody and he turned 1 this past week. Grace is buds with his older brother Justin, but just adores Cody. It was a lot of fun. The cake was absolutely AMAZING. They also have a friend's lizard staying with them (in an aquarium) and Grace was totally fascinated by it.

Once we left the party I rushed home to grab Hunter and take him to basketball practice. Not sure if I've mentioned it on here but he's doing PIPS ( this year. The team he is on has performed during the halftime show for the Harlem Globetrotters for the last 3 years, which is how we found out about them. The team is comprised of kids from Kindergarten- 6th grade. He really enjoys it and it will definitely help him once he starts playing league basketball. I guess that's about it. Be sure and tune in tomorrow for WT-Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

White Trash Wednesday

Well, here it is the moment you've all been waiting for....White Trash Wednesday. Each Wednesday I will select a photograph that I have taken to post here. You do not have to be caucasion to be chosen, but I just thought White Trash Wednesday had a nice ring to it.

This weeks winner comes from a photograph I took on Saturday at Paschall field in Mesquite following Hunter's football game. Apparently there were 2 real live hookers there to watch two other teams that were on the field behind us. Hooker #1 was a pregnant caucasion woman. She began fighting with hooker #2, who was an African American woman. The fight began as a verbal altercation and escalated to a physical one. And the winning photo is hooker #1 walking away with hooker #2's weave in her hand. Nothing but class baby! Welcome to Mesquite. We used to be home to the rodeo, now we got pimps and hos!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Homecoming Weekend

So, this weekend was a the Eagles homecoming game, which was kicked off with a dance Friday night. Everyone seemed to have a ton of fun at the dance. The flag and "E" team boys seemed to have the most fun as they could care less at this point about looking foolish in front of girls. So, they danced the whole time. Grace and Derek were a big hit in their matching attire. And my husband was definitely the best looking guy in the room.

Grace doing her "Y" scale, a move she picked up from the drillteam. LMAO! Pop, lock, and drop.... (google it people)
After the dance, three of Hunter's friends came to spend the night.

The next morning we got up and went to his team mate Adin's soccer game. They ended up winning. Go Adin!!

After the game we headed to Adin's grandparents house for an awesome lunch and to celebrate his mom (my girl) Rosa's birthday.

After that, it was time to get ready and head to the football field. At halftime we still hadn't scored, but Wes gathered the boys up and got them focused. Our boys gave it all they had and ended up winning with another shut out. Since Wes took over the defense, we haven't been scored on. Coincidence?? I think not. All 4 of the Eagles teams won on Saturday. It was our first sweep of the season. After the game the boys exchanged homecoming gifts with the drillteam.

Rosa had us over after all the games were done for fajitas. It was delicious as always. Then... Sunday afternoon her parents had us back over for brunch--french toast, eggs, fried potatoes... It was so freakin' good. So basicly we were fed all weekend by them. It was great! WARNING:Don't invite the Pittman's over for free food unless you intend to answer the door.

***Stay tuned to my blog. I have a new feature called White Trash Wednesday's coming. It is taken all that I have to wait until Wednesday to post the first winning picture.****

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Heavy Heart

Well, I've tried to keep this blog an upbeat and fun place to visit, but I simply could not let the events of the past few days go unmentioned. It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I sit here today. Yesterday morning my dear friend Wendy's sister passed away from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Please remember Wendy, her mother Melanie, and her sister's signifigant other, Doug, in your prayers. Allison (Ivy) had just turned 31 on Sunday and was 8 weeks pregnant with her first child. She will be missed terribly by all who loved her. Below is a picture of her from Wendy's wedding, back in March. Allison was the maid of honor and is the beautiful one standing next to Wendy.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Video of Grace @ dance class

Grace is the short one with the tights that stop at her ankles.

Crazy Spirit & The Arboretum

What a fun 3 day weekend! Friday night we had 4 boys spend the night at our house. They chowed down Mickey D's, played X-Box 360, and watched Wrestlemania 23. They also helped me paint the run through signs for "C and "E" teams to run through at Saturday's football games.
Saturday, the Eagles played the Jaguars, a dirty, dirty team...Charis, our team mom, suggested that we show up with some crazy spirit for the game. So, we did just that. It was a blast. Here are some pics of us looking ridiculous. Hunter's team, the "E" team lost, but as usual our "C" team kicked butt. This was also Wes and Hunter's last day of suspension, so they are both looking forward to getting back in the game.

Sunday started off pretty slow, just hanging around the house and watching football. Then Sunday evening our friends Rosa and Mael invited us and some other friends over for dinner and drinks. The kids swam and played video games. Their son plays football on Hunter's team, and goes to Hunter's school. It is sooo nice to finally be making friends with people that live in our neighborhood that we can hang out with as a family.

Then, today was Fair Day so Hunter was out of school. Instead of going to the fair, we headed to the Dallas Arboretum to get some pics in the pumpkin patch, visit the petting zoo and let the kids get their faces painted. We didn't stay as long as we normally do because it is still so freakin' hot here. After the arboretum, Hunter decided he wanted his haircut. Unfortunately, during the haircut I could see "cutter's remorse" settting in. By the time we got to the car he was in tears over his new haircut. I felt so bad for him, b/c I have been there before. The good news is that it will grow back. So, we headed to McDonald's for some Happy Meals and icecream which seemed to help, then it was off to dance class for Grace.