Thursday, November 22, 2007

Whats Up!!!!

Yeah, I know I'm a slacker, but I'm here now so just enjoy it. We've done a lot in the past few weeks and though I have pictures of all the fun (or most of it), I don't have a clue about the dates.

Let's start with roller skating. One of Hunter's buddy's had a skate party. Grace had never been skating before, but she and Hunter both had a blast. Unfortunately, when we were about to leave she dropped a skate on her foot. I know it must have really hurt. Well, I've taught her not to say OMG, but instead to say "Oh my goodness" or "Oh my gosh!" Well, as the skate hits her foot she screams, "Gosh Dammit!"....Ooopppsss. Guess we should teach her about darn and dang.

Derek & Grace

I really like this pic of us. Thanks Shirley!

Hunter's awesome disco moves as he skates.

Later that week, we joined Derek and his mom Shirley at Chuck E' Cheese. Derek had never been before and they had so much fun. I had a nice time visiting with Shirley too. I have been so blessed this year to make so many new and amazing friends. She is definitely one of them.

Later in the week Hunter's school had a 1 mile Turkey Trot run and canned food drive. All of the students have been training for the run during P.E. I was so stinkin' proud of Hunter. He came in 4th place out of all of the 2nd graders at his school.

Crossing the finish line

1st-6th place winners Hunter with his 4th place ribbon
Then today was Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful meal with some friends we made through Hunter's football team. Chocolate's mom was in town from New Orleans where she cooks for a living, and made the most awesome Thanksgiving meal I think I've ever had. The entire family was so kind and welcoming to us, and they all loved my cheesecake. I am so thankful for the friends that I have made this past year, and especially in the past few months. I am also thankful for my family, for their health, and for the happiness they bring me each day. I hope everyone we know and love had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. Please keep my friend Melissa and her son Brandon, as well as their entire family in your prayers. You can find out more about the struggles they are facing at

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Eeek! I'm sooo behind...

Well, once again I've gotten behind on this blog. We had a really fun Halloween. We went trick-or-treating with Adin and Gary's families. They were both on Hunter's football team. In true Grace fashion, she changed her mind at the last minute and decided to be Dorothy instead of a pirate princess. Hunter was Jack Sparrow.

Then this past weekend we went and supported the Eagles Starstepper drillteam at competition. All of the teams did great and 2 of our teams advanced to city competition. It was fun watching all of the different routines and getting an idea of what we're in for next year with Grace.

On Sunday we had some friends over for a cookout. The kids were so excited to see Charles and we were too. It's been way too long since we've hung out with him. Later our friends Rosa and Mel, their kids, and Rosa's parents joined us for steaks and to watch the Dallas Cowboys. It was another busy, but fun weekend.

White Trash Wedneday #3

Well, it's that time of year again. Only 3 more paychecks before X-Mas is here. Some of you might be tight on funds and looking for a special homemade craft to do. Well, I present to you the Redneck Wallet, made from duct tape and a clear plastci tablecloth.