Thursday, August 27, 2009

WTW- Lazy Links...

Busy week..or few weeks. The kids started school last week. I started school this week. Football practice.. Gymnastics.. You get the idea.

So, eventhough, I've got two stops on my "to do list" of WTW photos to take, I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Instead, please enjoy the photos and captions on these two sites. Props to my friends Geneva and Susan #2 for passing these links along to me.

Oh, and Beth shared this link with me the other day. It's not WTW material, but you may pee your pants reading it. If you do pee your pants reading this, please send me a photo to post on next week's WTW.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our Lonestar Friends..

On August 14th, the kids and I drove down to Louisville (about an hour away) to meet up with Chris, Meranda, Jake, Jephery, and Sadie. They were in Northern Kentucky visiting Meranda's dad and step mom. Hunter didn't have a chance to say an official goodbye to Jake before we left, and had asked about him several times since getting here. The two of them play so well together. We had a great time at the Waterfront Park watching the kids play.I wish I had known about that place before the last weekend of Summer. Oh well! Definitely a place we'll revisit next Summer.

After some fun in the sun, we headed to Applebee's for dinner. There is only one chain restaurant in our town, and it's not one that we have in Dallas. So, going out to eat at a familiar restaurant is now a real treat for my kids.

Chris and Meranda ended up letting me bring Jake and Sadie home with me. The kids were so excited to have their friends over for the night. Jake (who isn't used to cool Summer nights) and Hunter got busy on the scooters.
Sadie and Grace decide to settle down and watch a movie.
The next morning Sadie had fun straightening Hunter's hair with Grace's beauty shop supplies.
Then we headed to Clifty Falls State Park for some swimming.

After swimming and a picnic lunch at Clifty, we went into downtown for some Coke floats. It was at this point that Jake announced, "This is the best vacation EVER! I wish I could stay here for a week or two!" Hunter looked at him very confused and said, "Even better than the beach?" (Jake's family came with us on our beach vacation last Summer) It was soo cute.

When we got home, the girls napped while the boys headed out to the pond to do some fishing.

Jake ended up catching three fish. Of course, I'm sure he did so well since he made sure to kiss his first catch for good luck. ;o)
Then the boys decided to set up some obstacles to jump over with the scooters. Once they had their jumps down, they asked me to take pictures of them catching some air.

Before we knew it, the day was over and it was time for us to drive back to Louisville and hand the kiddos back over to Chris and Meranda. It stunk having to say goodbye, but we were so thankful to have the chance to spend some time with them while they were nearby. Hopefully, we'll see you guys again soon.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Camp, Sleepovers, & Friends

The first week of August, Hunter headed off to sleep away camp with his friend Dillon. I was a nervous wreck in anticipation since he has only ever spent one night away from us at a time, and always with family or close friends. The night before he left, Dillon's mom, Amy, our friend Brook, and I all went out for a few drinks. We had a really nice time getting hit on by some drunk guy, and watching all the people shake their groove thang to a local band.
The next day we headed off to Westport Baptist camp to drop the boys off. Hunter was happy to see that it was a "real" camp with cabins. He was also pleasantly surprised to see some familiar faces from one of the vacation bible school's he attended in July.

Hunter was thrilled to know that he would not be receiving any vaccinations at camp. When he saw this sign he said, "Yes! We don't have to get any shots here". I , on the other hand, was relieved to know that they do not allow drunk wine bottles sporting the old school Michael Jackson one glove attire and a chef's hat to frequent their camp.

Hunter & Dillon outside of their cabin.

Mom & Moose
Moose and Grace on his bunk.

While the boy's were gone, their sister's got to have some fun girl time. Grace just adores Dillon's big sister, Liz. On Sunday night they invited Grace over for a sleepover. The girl's had fun making up plays and putting on performances for Liz's parents and grandparents. Wes and I even stopped by to check out one of their shows. Grace also had fun on Liz's pink tractor that she and her dad have worked hard to restore.

The next evening, we had Liz over to our house for a sleepover. She was excited to go fishing in our pond and was hoping to catch her first Indiana fish. She told me she had only ever caught one fish and it was during a trip to TN. She even showed up to our house with her own live bait. Grace wasn't too sure about the worms.

The live bait wasn't working out too well for Liz, so we suggested that she give the rubber worms a try. And Voila!!!
After some fishing we headed inside to play hair and make-up. The girls each did their own make up and I straightened their hair. Then, they did my makeup. Liz drew a line down the center of my face, and they each took one side of my face to make over.

That following weekend, our new friends Brook and Darrin came over with their 4 kiddos. We ate tacos and hung out. The kids all played together really well, and two of their kiddos ended up spending the night I didn't take any pics of their other beautiful children, b/c I just couldn't keep my lens away from these adorable rolls.

Check back tomorrow for pics from last week when we met up with some TX friends, and also for first day of school pictures and stories.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WTW- No lifeguard on duty

This week's photograph was sent in by Susan. She recently took a day trip with her family to Glen Rose, TX, which is where she snapped this photograph. As I did some google research this morning, I found that there really have not been that many advances in life preservers over the last 50 years. And frankly, after seeing this picture, some might conclude that we have even taken a few steps backwards. However, it appears that safety is still a priority for the good folks of Glen Rose, otherwise there may have just been a big chested woman named Rhonda Sue with a sign around her neck, similar to this one, standing at the edge of the river.

Please e-mail entries for White Trash Wednesday to:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

WTW- Back by popular demand!!!

Well, I've decided to bring back White Trash Wednesday, since so many of my loyal followers have let me know that they miss it. I will include pics of people and things that I see around town, and submissions that my blog readers send to me. You can send submissions to Pittman Paradise e-mail: .

This week's submission comes from my friend Jackie. As Jackie so poignantly pointed out to me, it appears that this woman removed the part of her pants that really should have been left in place. Let's be clear, my legs are not free of hail damage. However, I also have never framed my hail damage in order to bring more attention to it. Oh and another good rule of thumb--when your fanny pack is longer than your shorts, it's time to let out that drawstring on the side of your shorts and bring them down a few inches. Also, you shouldn't wear fanny packs unless you qualify for senior discounts or are working at a yard sale.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

~Hugs to Our Eagle Friends~

I just wanted to take some time and write specifically to our Eagles family. I know football season is in full swing down there, and we definitely miss being with all of you on the field. I can't tell you how much all of your recent phone calls have meant to us. I'm so glad that so many boys have returned to the field to play together despite last year's shenanigan's. I hope the boy's whose families we specifically encouraged to return will stick it out, and that your boys will enjoy another season surrounded by their friends. Despite the Pittman's being the politically incorrect family last year, we always did our best to make the experiece enjoyable for the kids, and your heartfelt words of, "We miss you." and "It's just not the same.", let us know that all of our efforts were not in vain. We have missed having a house full of stinky boys, but Hunter is making friends, and I'm sure our new home will be full in no time. Please continue to call and e-mail with updates, as we truly love your kids, and want to know about their successes both on and off of the field. I would have paid to see the look on Little Liggins face last weekend when he made his first touchdown as a tackle player. I'm pretty sure he was grinning from ear to ear for the remainder of the day. Send us some pictures and videos too. As for Moose, he will be starting practices out here in a few weeks. Then, after football season ends, he will be doing wrestling!!! He's super excited about that. Grace will be doing gymnastics, and then dance team practices will start for her in September. We love you guys and hope you all will be raising the roof a lot this season.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Help Send a Photographer to Antartica

I recieved this message from my friend Chera today. She is the one who took our awesome family pics in Deep Ellum right before we left Dallas. You do have to register to vote, but it's a quick process with no spam involved.

Jeremy (Chera's husband) has a hockey friend who's also a 'storm chasing photographer' & he's trying to get enough votes to go to Antarctica for photography... he's an awesome photographer & a really nice guy. He's kinda stalled in 7th place, so I thought I'd seek out some help!You can only vote once, but you can vote once with multiple emails! His name is Mike Mezeul II, just in case his name doesn't come up in the link (it should lol)... you!