Tuesday, August 4, 2009

~Hugs to Our Eagle Friends~

I just wanted to take some time and write specifically to our Eagles family. I know football season is in full swing down there, and we definitely miss being with all of you on the field. I can't tell you how much all of your recent phone calls have meant to us. I'm so glad that so many boys have returned to the field to play together despite last year's shenanigan's. I hope the boy's whose families we specifically encouraged to return will stick it out, and that your boys will enjoy another season surrounded by their friends. Despite the Pittman's being the politically incorrect family last year, we always did our best to make the experiece enjoyable for the kids, and your heartfelt words of, "We miss you." and "It's just not the same.", let us know that all of our efforts were not in vain. We have missed having a house full of stinky boys, but Hunter is making friends, and I'm sure our new home will be full in no time. Please continue to call and e-mail with updates, as we truly love your kids, and want to know about their successes both on and off of the field. I would have paid to see the look on Little Liggins face last weekend when he made his first touchdown as a tackle player. I'm pretty sure he was grinning from ear to ear for the remainder of the day. Send us some pictures and videos too. As for Moose, he will be starting practices out here in a few weeks. Then, after football season ends, he will be doing wrestling!!! He's super excited about that. Grace will be doing gymnastics, and then dance team practices will start for her in September. We love you guys and hope you all will be raising the roof a lot this season.

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