Monday, October 1, 2007

Crazy Spirit & The Arboretum

What a fun 3 day weekend! Friday night we had 4 boys spend the night at our house. They chowed down Mickey D's, played X-Box 360, and watched Wrestlemania 23. They also helped me paint the run through signs for "C and "E" teams to run through at Saturday's football games.
Saturday, the Eagles played the Jaguars, a dirty, dirty team...Charis, our team mom, suggested that we show up with some crazy spirit for the game. So, we did just that. It was a blast. Here are some pics of us looking ridiculous. Hunter's team, the "E" team lost, but as usual our "C" team kicked butt. This was also Wes and Hunter's last day of suspension, so they are both looking forward to getting back in the game.

Sunday started off pretty slow, just hanging around the house and watching football. Then Sunday evening our friends Rosa and Mael invited us and some other friends over for dinner and drinks. The kids swam and played video games. Their son plays football on Hunter's team, and goes to Hunter's school. It is sooo nice to finally be making friends with people that live in our neighborhood that we can hang out with as a family.

Then, today was Fair Day so Hunter was out of school. Instead of going to the fair, we headed to the Dallas Arboretum to get some pics in the pumpkin patch, visit the petting zoo and let the kids get their faces painted. We didn't stay as long as we normally do because it is still so freakin' hot here. After the arboretum, Hunter decided he wanted his haircut. Unfortunately, during the haircut I could see "cutter's remorse" settting in. By the time we got to the car he was in tears over his new haircut. I felt so bad for him, b/c I have been there before. The good news is that it will grow back. So, we headed to McDonald's for some Happy Meals and icecream which seemed to help, then it was off to dance class for Grace.

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