Sunday, March 16, 2008

I NEVER want my tonsils out...

Well, after seeing how much pain Grace has been in this past week, I am quite certain I never want to have my tonsils removed. Things started off pretty good, but quickly headed down hill. The worst time for her is when she wakes up and her pain meds have worn off. At the begining of the week when she woke up she would do her best to curse the doctors saying things like, "They are MEAN!! MEAN!! MEAN!! They hurt me!!" It was gut wrenching. This morning though she was hurting so bad that she was begging me to take her to see a doctor. I am physically and mentally exhausted. I was suppose to be on Spring Break this week. God, what I would give to have a hangover right now.

Tuesday night through Thursday morning she ran a fever. Then Thursday morning she threw up. I got her cleaned up and put the clean up towels along with the rest of my dirty towels in the washing machine. Half way through the cycle, water began pouring out of my bathrooms. Turns out we had a clogged pipe. Wes had already left for work, so I called my friend Renee and broke down in tears to her mom. Thankfully, Renee brought me some dry towels (since all of mine were in the wash) to soak up the flood that had made it's way to the hardwoods in my hallway. Grace has been doing pretty good during the day, but man the mornings just suck for her. Anyways, we head back to the doctor tomorrow for her recheck. We did manage to get out of the house for a little bit today (during our window of Hydrocodone opportunity). We headed to a nearby park for about an hour to soak in some of this beautiful weather we've been having. I think the fresh air was good for all of us.

Photos Taken This Morning (Day 6)

Needing hugs from Mama after taking her medicine.

And a few pics from the park this afternoon.

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