So, first off I took the HESI A2 test on Friday. It is essentially an entrance exam for nursing school. Different programs have different requirements regarding how many sections you must take and what is "passing" for their school. The school I am applying to requires you to take Reading, Math, and Grammar and to pass each section with 75%. It is not passing to have an overall combined score of 75%, unless you have scored at least 75% on each section. Make sense? So, I had some practice books and I was feeling pretty confident until I sat down to take some practice tests...That's when I got worried. Like, really worried. So anyways, I headed out to the testing site in Kaufman with two girlfriends that I met in Microbiology and prayed for the best. As I was looking around the testing room it occurred to me that all of us in there would be applying to the program, and not all of us would be getting. My stomach got all jittery...As we began registering our computers to take the test, hands started going up in the air. It seems a few people were confused about the combination of both capitol and lower case letters in their test number. They asked for help on entering the information. This helped calm my nerves as I assumed that those were 3 people I would not have to worry about taking "MY" spot in the nursing program. After you complete each section, you are given your score on that section before moving on. I had already decided I would just walk out if failed on of the sections..No point in finishing the whole test. So rather than just having one ball of nervous energy tumbling within my stomach at the end of the test, I was forced to face this nervous ball three times within an hour and 15 minutes. Okay..enough of the rambling already. That's what you're thinking right?? So, on the Math I scored 94.00%. You want to know the funniest part about that? Well, Algebra was my big hang up in regards to returning to school. I was so terrified of getting through the developmental math courses and making it to Algebra. Turns out I only missed 2 of the 15 Algebra questions. However, apparently my four years at home cooking and cleaning have taught me absolutely nothing. I missed 3 out of 4 of the Household measurement questions. Seeing that actually made me laugh out loud, and I had this short lived thought of how, "I better not let Wes know". I mean what's he going to do? Fire me because I don't know how many ounces are in a cup? Next was the Reading Comprehension. I scored a 95.74% on that section. Not too shabby. Finally, it was time for the Grammar section. Raise you hand if you wanna know what I got. I bet from reading this blog, you will never guess, because I use words like wanna and stuff. I got a freaking 100%. Boo-Yah Baby!!! So, my overall score was a 96.58%!!! It was such a relief to not only pass, but to do so well. My application was mailed in on Monday, and was received (according to the USPS) today at 10:15. I should know around April 15th if I have been accepted into the program. Hoping to share some good news with all of you then.
Moving on..Sunday morning Grace asked Wes to remove her training wheels. He happily obliged, and Hunter set off to teaching his little sister what he knew about bike riding. That only lasted a few minutes. While he and I were chilling on the porch talking --that little stinker took off on her own. She was so proud of herself, and we were all so excited for her. Wes says he was also 4 when he learned to ride a bike. Bring me the proof buddy! I didn't do it until I was 6 and Hunter was 5 and a half. I think there may be a trip to France in her future. The Tour de France to be exact.
So, shortly after Grace mastered riding her bike, my friend Denny and his wife Jessi arrived. Denny and I were great friends in high school, and for a few years after. We began chatting again through e-mail last year. He and his wife live in Colorado and just recently returned from Vietnam where they spent six months (I think it was bout that long) teaching English and traveling around Asia. It was so great to see him in person after all of these years and to meet his wife. She is beautiful, and kind, and smart. He has really done well for himself, and I am so proud of him. He always dated ...well...typical Dallas girls...and hmmm... I guess guys just have to go through that to figure out what they really want and need. And let me just say..Jessi totally fits the bill. She's the whole package. Here are a couple of old skool pics of me and Denny as well as one from Sunday.
The night of my high school graduation (May 1997)Denny & My High School Boyfriend's Senior Prom (1996)
This next story was definitely the most exciting part of my week. And I guess this story really begins back in 1992. That's when I met Lauren. She is not only a lifetime friend, she is one of my very best friends. We no longer live a few blocks from each other or talk daily on the phone, but when we do talk...well, it's like no time has passed at all. So, first here are some pics of us through the years. As I was scanning them, I was thinking they should be titled the many hairstyles of "L" and "C". LOL!
1993- NJH Freshman Rule!
1998 at Club Dada in Dallas
1998 at my first place~ The Biltmore condos in Addison
1999- Club Dada again.. ( right before I met Wes)
I can remember being with her at the Jane's Addiction concert back in 1999, and thinking, "This will be one of the best memories we share together." I was wrong. On Monday, I attended the birth of her second daughter as her friend and her photographer. It was amazing!!! I had never been to a birth--other than my own--and well, let's just say this was a lot more enjoyable. Lauren was amazing and she surrounded herself that day with some great people, including Tim, her mom, and her midwife. I just never could have imagined as I was sitting on her bed at 13 talking about boys and school that someday- 15 years later I would get to sit by her side on a bed as she brought a new life into this world. I was so honored and grateful to be there. She has graciously given me permission to share a few photographs from this beautiful day.1998 at my first place~ The Biltmore condos in Addison
1999- Club Dada again.. ( right before I met Wes)
Cami, you did GREAT! They are awesome! Now, be careful girl, it's an addition being a birth photographer! ;-)
I am lmao, as I happened upon your blog through my sons blog, I was a PJH Raider and went to Pearce and some of my best friends were Vikings!! I even coached at North for a couple years. Although I am a couple years older, You may have had some of my best friends as teachers at North. Very humorous to me!:-)
Great Blog,
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