Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 Challenge- 52 photos

So, as many of you know, I am in an online mom's group. I've been a member of the group since April of 2005. This group has offered me a wealth of information over that past few years, and has also afforded me and my children the opportunity to make some friends that we may have otherwise never known. The women there offer advice, comfort, and most importantly have helped me to navigate my world as a stay at home mom with a lot more ease. Tonight, Sara, who I have never met in person, shared something with the group that took my breath away. It is so simple, yet so brilliant...She has given me permission to share it with all of you. My hope is that those of you that can relate to her like I do, and are the primary picture takers in your family, will make a conscious effort this year to record your life with your children. Many of you either commented or sent me e-mails in response to my blog last month about my dad. I have some wonderful pictures of he and I together, but not near enough. My children are growing so fast, and our daily adventures together will be over in a blink of an eye. I want them to have proof that I was there not only during the milestones, but that I was there for them day to day as we navigated through life. I have been so good about recording the lives of those I live with, but often don't take time to make sure that I am a part of that record. So, without further ado, here is Sara's project and what she had to say about it.

As the primary photographer of our little family, I don't have many pictures of me with Julian and Layla. And so, in 2008, I challenged myself to take one photo each week of myself with Julian and/or Layla. The exception is week 44 (Halloween) when I have two, because I couldn't decide between them. This project was something I was always thinking about throughout the year. It challenged me to see photo ops in the little things (lunch at Sonic). To do big, fun things (sliding at the State Fair) and be sure to capture it. Some really great things that would have been perfect for the 52 project (decorating our Christmas tree) were not photographed, because it would have meant being distracted from the moment and missing out.There were weeks when I barely eeked in a photo op. I used the timer a lot, sometimes I used Daniel, and sometimes Julian groaned in protest at having his picture taken. But I'm proud of myself for sticking to it! I would sorta like to continue on through 2009, but I was so glad (and relieved) to have finished, I'm not sure I could commit again so soon.I plan to print the pictures in book form. I can't wait to see that! But for now, I've created a slide show to satisfy my desire to see this in some sort of finished form right now!

***Pause the music on my blog as her slideshow has beautiful music of it's own***

52 photos of my kids and me from sararas on Vimeo.


Cami said...

Copy and pasted from an e-mail from my friend Geneva:

Please pass this message along for me…

THAT was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen!!!

I love the way mama Sara looks like a fox even laying around the house with her kids. I was just so moved by the idea, the joy in their life that shines thru in the pics, and the way she looks so at ease, just “being” with her kids.

Thanks so much for sharing that Cami! I feel inspired I will give it a try too!



Unknown said...

What a great idea! Thats a huge complaint of mine. Not enough pictures of me and the boys together. I think I will have a go at this too.

sara said...

Ack! I responded to this last week, I guess I didn't complete the process!

Thanks for posting the story, Cami. :) I hope you have 3 pics so far. ;)

And oh... to your friend Geneva... wow! THANKS! Her words were so nice. :)