Monday, December 1, 2008

Moose Mania

So, I've got so much to blog about, but I have decided to break it up into a few different posts. Tonight I want to focus on the Moose. For those not in the know, "Moose" is Hunter's nickname. Yes, I realize that my thin (some may even say scrawny) boy seems to have nothing in common with a moose. However, that has not always been the case. I've included some pics of Hunter from about 6 months old, when Wes and my dad decided that he was "as big as a moose". And judging from the size of Wes, we were certain that there would be no slowing down his imminent growth. Turns out, we were wrong. The name has stuck though, and he loves it. He actually prefers to receive personalized gifts that say, "Moose" rather than "Hunter".

Alright so on to the Moose Mania. I just can't tell you how proud I am of that kid. Lately, it seems like every time I turn around, he's doing something else to impress us. Of course, there are his two report cards this year. Both of them had straight A's, including some 100's (Spelling & Science). His teacher this year seems to really enjoy him, and has spoken very kindly to me about Hunter and how he is one of the ones she can "count on". Then, we received a letter from the principal last week stating that based on his recent Math evaluation, they expect that he will receive a commended score on the TAKS test this year. Hunter was grinning from ear to ear when I told him. He has been having some real test anxiety lately, and I hope that news helped to lift an undue burden off of his chest.

So, on the 21st, Grace and I bundled up and headed to Rugel with my friend's daughter in tow to watch Hunter run in the one mile Turkey Trot race. Now, Hunter is no sprinter, but last year he had fared quite well, coming in 4th at the Turkey Trot, so I was excited to see what would happen this year. He was aiming for 2nd place. Well, guess what... HE WON!!!! That's right people! Out of all the 3rd grade students at his school (probably close to 70), he came in first place. He beat his own record by 45 seconds, finishing the mile run in 8 minutes 30 seconds.

He was so excited. He couldn't wait to call Wes and tell him all about it.

Grace and Addison were good sports, braving the cold to cheer him on.
Proudly posing with his blue ribbon.

So, let's see that was Friday. Then, that weekend he had two school projects to work on. The first project was for Math. He had to plan a Thanksgiving meal using a $100 budget. He had to go through weekly circulars, and price food items. He also had to make a guest list, and prepare a menu. He presented all of his work on a poster board, and used stencils and stickers for the lettering. I think it turned out awesome!

The next project was a family project. His teacher sent home a picture of a turkey that we were to all decorate as a family. We really had a good time with this project. Wes used scotch locks and telephone wires to decorate his feathers--both tools of his trade. Grace contributed some black and hot pink tulle (for tutus and bows) to be used on her feathers. I added some flower and yarn embellishments to my feathers, and Hunter chose some cut out pictures of footballs for his feathers.
So, here's to the Moose. You never cease to amaze me. I am so proud of you. I can remember holding you in my arms when you were first born, and feeling so lucky. I just kept thinking, "Out of all the women in the world, God chose ME to be your mom!! How blessed am I?" And, I have to say that after 8 and a half years, I still feel exactly the same way. You inspire me Moose, and I feel privileged to have someone as cool as you wake up everyday and call me "Mom".

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