Sunday, January 27, 2008

We have a toilet with a flusher thing!!!

O-M-G!!! Who would have ever thought I would be so damn excited over a toilet? We are in the midst, well our friend Mel is in the midst, of remodeling our hall bathroom. Many of you have never been invited to our home b/c we have been so embarassed about our ghetto ass bathroom. Hell, that bathroom should have been featured in White Trash Wednesday. Anyways, it is coming along nicely. Now when people have to use our bathroom I won't have to say, "Ummm. Just let me know when you're done and I can flush it for you." I think it should all be done in another week or so. OH!! And guess what else. Not only do we have a new toilet and bathtub, BUT---are you ready for this??? I got a new broom!!! This may not be a big deal to most, but I have been using the same broom I bought a decade ago at The Dollar General in Wylie, Texas. I definitely got my money's worth out of that broom though, and can only hope my new Target broom does half the job my other broom did.

Our new toilet!! Jealous??

Now I need to give some shout outs! I had an awesome birthday thanks to my awesome hubby and friends. Wes surprised me by coming home with an icecream cake and a beautiful card. He couldn't find any candles, so he improvised. The cake kind of resembles something Johnny Depp might have had in the movie Blow if they had celebrated his birthday.

My friend Charis also brought me a special gift. Then later that evening, our friend Don (Derrick's dad and Shirley's husband) showed up with a dozen roses and a card for me. It was such a sweet gift from the Owens family. I also got a handful of phone calls, e-mails, and cards from friends as well as a giftcard from my in-laws to Kirkland's. It was a great birthday and I really feel blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life right now.

1 comment:

Dawn Endres said...

Love the toilet. Great improvising on the cake.

So when's the playdate?!? hehe!