So, today's post will be about 3 different things...Class, cookies, and cancer
CLASS: This semester I finished up my coursework at Eastfield with a computer class, and Microbiology. I am sooooo excited to report that I ended the semester with an "A" in Microcomputer Concepts and a "B" in Microbiology. I am way more excited about the grade in Microbiology, b/c I truly worked my a$$ off for that "B". It was a really interesting class, but super hard. Then combined with all the ridiculous drama that had taken over my personal life during the semester...Well, you get it. I'm so happy with my grade and really proud of myself for pulling it off. If anyone is interested in reading my term paper on my Unknown Bacterium (I know most of you are already snoring..LOL!), let me know and I will be more than happy to e-mail it to you. And now for the really exciting news. On January 9th, I am signed up to take the HESI, which is the entrance exam for nursing school. I will be given my results immediately following the test..Provided that I pass all three sections, I will then turn in my application for the nursing program. The application is due by January 31st. Eeeekkk!!! I finally feel like there is an end in sight.
COOKIES: Yipppeee!! It's baking season at the Pittman house. Now normally if Wes smells sweets when he walks in the door, he gets nervous. STRESSED is DESSERTS spelled backwards. And frankly, I tend to bake A LOT when I'm stressed or upset. Now, I don't eat all the sweets, I just enjoy making them. BUT....At this time of year, the oven is almost always on, even when Mama is calm and relaxed. I went to an awesome cookie exchange last week with Grace. For those of you who don't know what a cookie exchange is, here's the scoop. Basically, you get about 10-15 women together. You each bring a half dozen baked treats for everyone that will be attending. For instance, the one I went to had 14 people (including myself). So, I had to make 6 and a half dozen treats and package them into 13 bags filled with a 1/2 dozen of my goodies. The best part is, that you then leave with 13 different kinds of goodies. Oh!!! And it's best if on the packages you include your name and the recipe so that if people like what you brought, they can make some more later. The cookie exchange was also a potluck. So, we all enjoyed lunch together and hung out, then headed home to dive into our delicious treats, hiding the good stuff from our husband's before they returned home. Kidding..
CANCER: Now for the ugly "c" word. Back in December of 2006, this ugly word entered my friend Melissa's life. She and I were (and still are) in a local online mom's group together. I had never met her in person, but still remember reading her post when one of her identical twin boys was diagnosed at 10 months old with Stage III hepablastoma. It was a one in a million cancer diagnosis, and poor Brandon was that one. Melissa is an amazing awesome wife, a good friend, and the kind of mama most kids wish for. On Mother's Day of 2007 many prayers were answered and Brandon received a life saving liver transplant. Melissa and her family have been on quite a journey these last few years--one that frankly I can't even imagine. Late last year, I began forming a pretty special bond with Melissa and some other mama's, and she is now someone I definitely consider a friend for life. Though I've had the chance to hang out with Melissa, I had never met her boys until this past weekend. And O-M-G!!! They are the cutest little munchkins EVER!
So, here's the deal..There's a reason why I'm telling you all about this family..As you will see from the pics, Brandon is quite a bit bigger than his twin brother. For one, he was on steroids for a year. That's right, an entire year. He also takes a variety of medication including drugs that he will be on for the rest of his life to keep his body from rejecting the transplanted liver. Melissa was telling me how she gets sick of the stares and the even the questions. She really just longs to be a "normal" mom again and not have to talk about her sick baby--or not have people think that she's some awful parent that stuffs her baby full of ding dongs all day long. (I made up the ding dong bit...but you get what I'm saying..what she's feeling)..And you know..I just think that the holidays are a great time for us to reflect on our actions--on our own thoughts--and think about how we can make this world a better place..a more peaceful place. I know I am guilty of casting judgement. (don't think this sappiness I'm spewing will bring an end to White Trash Wednesday 'cuz that ain't happening)..I'm just more or less moms, we tend to judge each other, rather than giving each other the benefit of the doubt. When at all possible, I just think it would be so much better if instead of a whisper, we offered a helping hand..instead of judgement we offered empathy. Now without further ado, I present to you my new buddy Brandon and his adorable sidekick Aiden, along with their gorgeous mommy Melissa.
I also just love these two pics that Melissa snapped of me and Brandon. He loved my camera and kept requesting more pics. LOL!
You can read more about these two boys and their adventures at: