Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why am I so crazy??

So today I babysat for my friend Robbin.. Her sitter (my best friend Renee) has been out of town a lot this month and I volunteered to keep her kids. They are twins and are one week younger than Grace. Today I took them all, along with Hunter to the mall. The kids had a great time in the play area at the Galleria and I had a nice time chatting with friends that we met up there, but I think that was the last time I ever do that. It was a total whoopin' (yeah we say that in Texas) keeping up with 3 three year olds--making sure everybody held hands, etc.... I was ready to schedule an appointment to have my tubes tied by the end of it all.

In other breaking news, there were fireballs shooting across Dallas today. Two major highways were shut down in the midst of it all.

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