I am done with school for this semester!! I am so happy to have a break. I won't have any classes until after the 4th of July. So, that means that hopefully I can get caught back up in other ares of my life; blogging, cleaning, etc...
I was able to take a break from studying last weekend to have some fun with friends and family. I already posted about the great Mom's Night Out. I now have pics of me with "Dancing Bob". I never could figure out how to load the video of his moves, but you can click on this link if you wanna see it. I HIGHLY recommend clicking on this link and turning your speakers on. Thank you to Rebecca for the great video! LMAO!http://s84.photobucket.com/albums/k38/lukeeley/2008/05-May/05-02-Ozbeet_GNO/?action=view¤t=2008-05-02-Camis_Boyfriend.flv
Watching a canoe go by
Grace, Dominic, and Gabriel
Donna & Dominic
Grace chillin' while Colin Boyd and Lauren sing
Grace break dancing to the Carole King song, "Natural Woman"--LMAO!
Mia and Grace (love Mia's expression!)
Grace holding an SPCA puppy
On Sunday, the whole family headed back to the festival. Wes had a pretty bad sunburn and was fairly miserable. Our air conditioning loving dog was also pretty unhappy. We got to see a few friends there, but didn't stay very long.
I was gone a lot of this week studying for my final exams. Thank you to all of my friends that helped out by watching Grace and either taking or picking her up from school for me. It was a HUGE help and I appreciate each and every one of you.
One funny thing from this week was when Wes noticed that one of Romo's paws was hot pink. He asked Grace if she had colored it and she said, "No. He must have got into my markers." Here are some pics. He was very embarrassed about it, and kept trying to hide his paw under his head while I took the pics.
Here he is completely miserable with the pink paw
Hiding his paw under his head
And with Grace as she tells him to, "Smile! It's okay."
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