Thursday, May 29, 2008
Deep Ellum Photo Shoot
WTW #10
PSA: If your butt looks like this, please do not use an ice chest as a chair. You may frighten a young child, and not only that but all of that heat may cause your drinks and sandwiches to get really hot--defeating the original purpose of the cooler. It was meant to hold canned drinks and ice, not your ass.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Weekend Adventures
We came home around noon and ate lunch. Wes and Grace took a long nap. I got in a short one, then got up and watched Hunter and some of his friends play football on the front yard.
Once everybody was up and moving, we dropped Hunter off at a birthday party at Celebrtaion Station, then headed over to the Owen's house for a cookout. Dakota was in the best mood and a total cutie. Her and Wes played the "Stick Out Your Tongue" game. I think she won. She was full of smiles, and so were the rest of us after a few on Don's yummy frozen drinks (though he clearly isn't a drinker b/c Mama needs more than a tsp. of rum to get her drunk-LOL!). The kids had a blast with their own dance party in the garage, and jumping on the trampoline.
Look Mom! No hands!
The pretty one, the smart one, and the easy one.
After 10 years together, we're still not through being silly.
Sunday was pretty relaxed. I got up and fixed eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast. Yumm-O! Then, we went down to Deep Ellum and met Chera ( for a photo shoot of the kids. Her prices are so reasonable and her work is so great that she books up months in advance, so we've been waiting a while. The timing was perfect though since the kids will be turning 8 and 4 in the next few weeks. I know she got some really great shots. She sent me a sneak peak of a few of the pics and I'll post the rest by the end of this week. Here are the ones she sent me.Thursday, May 15, 2008
Sooo Proud of Whitney
When she was 6, our parents divorced, and my mom was given custody of her and my dad was given custody of me. She and I were together every weekend, but I was now in junior high and bratty little sisters weren't that much fun. We didn't have much in common and although I loved her, she wasn't really my friend.
Once she became a teenager, I tried to reach out to her some. I let her come stay the night with me at my apartment in downtown Dallas, and would try to talk to her about boys, and parents, and all that stuff that teens love and hate. And by the time she was a Senior in high school, we had become friends for the first time in our lives. I really was begining to enjoy getting to know her and spending time with her.
She worked her butt of throughout high school. She waited tables, volunteered with Equest, played basketball, went to State for debate, and graduated in the top 10 of her class. I was so proud of her as I waddled in 9 months pregnant with Grace to her graduation, but was a little sad to see her heading away to college.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It was definitely worth the wait...
On Tuesday, Grace's class had "Crazy Hair Day". I cannot believe she actually let me fix her hair like this. It was soooo stinkin' cute! Thank you Ms. Charis and Cindy Lou Who for being our inspiration.
And for those wanting to know how to achieve this look for yourselves....I placed an empty 8 oz. water bottle on her head (for adults with long hair, you may be able to use a regular sized water bottle)..Then, I just gathered her hair up around the bottle and wrapped a ponytail holder around it and the tip of the bottle. Then, I just sprayed it with some of the white hair color spray that people use at Halloween. It was super easy, and didn't seem to be uncomfortable for her.
Oh and these pics came home in Grace's folder from Western Day at her school. I thought the picture turned out really cute. Isn't she getting big???
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!!
In the meantime, I must share a few of my Mother's Day gifts with all of you. Yesterday, Wes took the kids fishing while I went shopping. It was great to be able to try on clothes without hearing Grace's critiques. I finally found a swimsuit with under wire. At times I felt like I was on search for the Dead Sea Scrolls, but at last Kohl's had one. Exactly one..And the God's shined down on me, and that one sweet swimsuit was in my size!!! Hallelujah! I also got a few Summer dresses, some shorts, a new bra, and some new sunglasses. It was wonderful. Grace also made me a few things at school that I LOVE. The teachers had them draw on these wooden frames, then they used a wood burner to burn the image into the frame. Then, they went back and stained the frame and put a picture of my girl in it. They also had her answer some questions, and her answers are adorable! Take a look for yourself.
Hunter forgot his gift at school but he has informed me that it will be worth the wait. I'm sure it will. I'll be sure to update the blog when I get his gift.
This morning Wes and Grace went and picked up donuts for the family. Today will probably be pretty low key. I think we'll try to get together with Wes' parents and give them some gifts we have for them. His dad's birthday was yesterday, so we have gifts for both of them. The weather is gorgeous in Dallas today, so hopefully we can just enjoy each other's company and this beautiful day.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Playing Catch Up
I am done with school for this semester!! I am so happy to have a break. I won't have any classes until after the 4th of July. So, that means that hopefully I can get caught back up in other ares of my life; blogging, cleaning, etc...
I was able to take a break from studying last weekend to have some fun with friends and family. I already posted about the great Mom's Night Out. I now have pics of me with "Dancing Bob". I never could figure out how to load the video of his moves, but you can click on this link if you wanna see it. I HIGHLY recommend clicking on this link and turning your speakers on. Thank you to Rebecca for the great video! LMAO!¤t=2008-05-02-Camis_Boyfriend.flv
Watching a canoe go by
Grace, Dominic, and Gabriel
Donna & Dominic
Grace chillin' while Colin Boyd and Lauren sing
Grace break dancing to the Carole King song, "Natural Woman"--LMAO!
Mia and Grace (love Mia's expression!)
Grace holding an SPCA puppy
On Sunday, the whole family headed back to the festival. Wes had a pretty bad sunburn and was fairly miserable. Our air conditioning loving dog was also pretty unhappy. We got to see a few friends there, but didn't stay very long.
I was gone a lot of this week studying for my final exams. Thank you to all of my friends that helped out by watching Grace and either taking or picking her up from school for me. It was a HUGE help and I appreciate each and every one of you.
One funny thing from this week was when Wes noticed that one of Romo's paws was hot pink. He asked Grace if she had colored it and she said, "No. He must have got into my markers." Here are some pics. He was very embarrassed about it, and kept trying to hide his paw under his head while I took the pics.
Here he is completely miserable with the pink paw
Hiding his paw under his head
And with Grace as she tells him to, "Smile! It's okay."