Then on Saturday was the game against the Mustangs. The Eagles won 6-0!!!! They were so excited. Pappaw and Wes had to give Hunter a little pep talk during the game after his team mates got upset at him for jumping offsides. He said he can handle the coaches being upset with him, but doesn't like when his team mates are. Once again Grace showed off her moves. I've included a video of her dancing on the bleachers at half time. You can see the drill team in the background as she copies their every move.
On Sunday we headed to a birthday party at the Natural History Museum. The kids were given a brief but detailed description of dinosaurs. Then they got to crack open "dinosaur eggs" and take home the plastic dinosaur that was inside. The final stop was inside one of the exhibits where they got to "dig" for dinosaur bones. It was in this sand that Grace who has been potty trained for a year without one single accident, decided to pee. YES!! In the sand!! SO as you enter there is a big old clump of wet sand. And if that wasn't bad enough, she then begins to strip and as I'm trying to keep her clothes on her she is screaming repeatedly, "I just want to take my skirt off!!" It was at that moment I was wishing I could bury myself in the sand like one of those bones. It was definitely a cool party though and the kids had a blast.

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